Public Health
Those who work in a public health setting promote, protect and improve, and when necessary, restore the health of individuals, specified groups, or the entire population.
Public Health Agency of Canada, 2007; p.13) Reference: Public Health Agency of Canada. Core competencies for public health in Canada: Release 1.0. website [ 2007; Available from: URL:http://www. phac-aspc.gc.ca/ccph-cesp/pdfs/cc-manual-eng090407.pdf
Research Funding
Primary Health Care as the Foundation for Health System Performance, Integration and Sustainability: INSPIRE-PHC-2 - Building Primary Health Care and Public Health Collaboration with and for the Community
A prospective case study design will be used to explore the implementation and outcomes of an intervention to stimulate a primary care and public health collaboration in an urban neighbourhood in...
Primary InvestigatorStrengthening a population health approach for health system planning
A new law in Ontario, called the Patients First Act, requires public health units (PHUs) and Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) to work together in new ways. This project aims to answer the...
Primary InvestigatorSupporting Successful Implementation of Public Health Interventions: A Realist Synthesis
Co-InvestigatorLiterature Review: In What Ways and How Effectively is Technology Being Used to Support Health Behaviour Change
Primary InvestigatorAccelerating Public Health Systems Research in Ontario: Building an Agenda
Co-InvestigatorCommunity Care Maternity Services: A Pilot Project in the McQuesten Community
Co-InvestigatorPublic Health and Primary Care Collaboration for Implementation of Best Practices in Smoking Cessation in Primary Care Setting
Primary InvestigatorKeeping Ontario Healthy – The Roles and Requirements of Public Health Human Resources
Co-InvestigatorBuilding Primary Health Care Nursing Leadership to Enhance Collaboration between Primary Health Care and Public Health
The objectives of this four and a half year program of research were to: explore structures and processes required to build successful collaborations between PC and PH; understand the nature of...
Primary InvestigatorPrimary Care and Public Health Collaboration: Synergies, Research Capacity & Knowledge Translation Among Three Teams
Primary InvestigatorScholarly Work
Deputy Director, World health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre (McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario) for Primary Care and Health Human Resource
Since 2009, Dr. Ruta Valaitis has been a Deputy Director, World health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre (McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario) for Primary Care and Health Human Resources. Dr. Valaitis was elected Secretary to the Pan American Nursing and Midwifery Collaborating Centres Network (PANNMCC) and served in that role from 2011 to 2013.
CommitteesExecutive Steering Committee for the Standards Modernization Process
The Executive Steering Committee for the Standards Modernization reports to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) provides overall strategic leadership and guidance on the review of the Standards Modernization with a goal to strengthen and enhance accountability and transparency within the public health system. Dr. Valaitis is an invited member of this committee which meets monthly which is guiding revisions to the Ontatio Public Health Standards 2008.
CommitteesHealth in the Hubs
The McMaster University School of Nursing (SON) is dedicated to improving the health of residents in our local communities and fulfilling the School’s mission of community engaged scholarship.
ProjectsA Content Analysis of Infant Feeding Messages in Canadian Women’s Magazine, 1945 to 1995
The purpose of this study was to describe trends in the number, types, and themes of infant feeding messages presented in a nationally distributed (monthly) Canadian women's magazine from 1945 to 1995.
ArticlesA Questionnaire for Assessing Community Health Nurses’ Learning Needs
This article reports on the development and psychometric testing of a learning needs assessment questionnaire related to the Canadian community health nursing Standards of practice.
ArticlesA Scoping Literature Review of Collaboration Between Primary Care and Public Health
The purpose of this scoping literature review was to determine what is known about: 1) structures and processes required to build successful collaborations between primary care (PC) and public health (PH); 2) outcomes of such collaborations; and 3) markers of their success.
ArticlesA Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Extranet: Supporting Local Communication and Information Dissemination
The objective of this study was to explore the use and perceptions of a local Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Extranet and its potential to support future information and communication applications. The SARS Extranet was a single, managed electronic and limited access system to manage local, provincial and other SARS control information.
ArticlesA Systematic Review of the Association Between Breastfeeding and Early Childhood Caries
This systematic review investigated the relationship between early childhood caries (ECC) and breastfeeding.
ArticlesAddressing Quadruple Aims through Primary Care and Public Health Collaboration: Ten Canadian Case Studies.
his study aimed to explore the nature of Canadian primary care - public health collaborations, their aims, motivations, activities, collaboration barriers and enablers, and perceived outcomes.
ArticlesAffiliate Network Member, Primary Health Care System (PHCS)
In 2010 -2015, Dr. Ruta Valaitis became an Affiliate Network Member, Primary Health Care System (PHCS).
CommitteesAn Environmental Scan of Health and Social System Navigation Services in an Urban Canadian Community
Systems navigation services provided by a designated provider or team have the potential to address health and social disparities. We conducted an environmental scan of navigation activities in a large urban Canadian community to identify and describe: service providers who engage in systems navigation; the clients who require systems navigation support and the issues they face; activities involved; and barriers and facilitators in providing systems navigation support to clients.
ArticlesAn Environmental Scan of Primary Care and Public Health in the Province of British Columbia
This report describes an environmental scan that was completed in May 2009 of primary care and public health in the province of British Columbia (BC) as one of a series of steps in a larger program of research: Strengthening Primary Health Care through Primary Care and Public Health Collaboration Study (Strengthening PHC Study).
ReportsAn Environmental Scan of Primary Care and Public Health in the Province of Nova Scotia
This report describes an environmental scan that was completed in July 2009 of primary care and public health in the province of Nova Scotia (NS) as one of a series of steps in a larger program of research: Strengthening Primary Health Care through Primary Care and Public Health Collaboration Study (Strengthening PHC Study).
ReportsAn Environmental Scan of Primary Care and Public Health in the Province of Ontario
This report describes an environmental scan, which includes information up to May 2009, related to primary care (PC) and public health (PH) in the province of Ontario (ON). It is one of a series of steps in a larger program of research entitled: Strengthening Primary Health Care through Primary Care and Public Health Collaboration Study (Strengthening PHC Study).
ReportsAn Online Toolkit to Support Public Health and Primary Care Collaboration
The aim of this toolkit is to develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes that support the development and maintenance of successful collaborations between primary care and public health. This toolkit is for practitioners, managers, policy makers, and students from a variety of disciplines working in primary care and public health.
ProjectsBrokering for the Primary Health Care Needs of Recent Immigrant Families in Atlantic, Canada
This case study describes how broker organizations supported a network of community-based services to work together to address the primary healthcare needs of recent immigrant families with young children.
ArticlesBuilt Environment Interventions Aimed at Improving Physical Activity Levels in Rural Ontario Health Units: A Descriptive Qualitative Study
Few studies to date have explored the relationship between the built environment and physical activity specifically in rural settings. This paper is the result of a Masters thesis project that focused on rural health units' activities to address the built environment aimed at improving physical activity.
ArticlesCommunity Health Nurses’ Learning Needs in Relation to the Canadian Community Health Nursing Standards of Practice: Results from a Canadian survey
Canadian Community health nurses (CHNs) work in diverse urban, rural, and remote settings such as: public health units/departments, home health, community health facilities, family practices, and other community-based settings.
ArticlesCompetence Trust Among Providers as Fundamental to a Culturally Competent Primary Health Care System for Immigrant Families
The aim was to explore how an organization's trust in the cultural competency of other service providers (competence trust) can influence the effectiveness of a services network in meeting the needs of recent immigrant families.
ArticlesComputers and the Internet: Tools for youth empowerment
Youth are often disenfranchised in their communities and may feel they have little voice. Since computers are an important aspect of youth culture, they may offer solutions to increasing youth participation in communities. This study involved public health nurses to support the school-based community development project.
ArticlesEffective Public Health Practice Summary Statement of “Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response: Use of Information Technologies and Decision Support Systems (2002)
To understand how and if information technology (IT) and decision-support systems (DSS) can be effective in detection, management, and communication during a bioterrorist event.
ReportsElectronic Social Support Groups to Improve Health
This review sought to answer the question: what is the use, nature and impact of electronic support groups in the prevention and promotion of health?
ReportsEvaluation of the Spark Health Promotion Web Site
Tailoring Online Health Promotion: A Toolkit for Communities has been produced to share our learning and experiences in working to build a health promotion web site (www.youthspark.ca) to meet local needs by and for rural youth in Huron County, Ontario Canada.
ReportsHow Political Science Can Contribute to Public Health: A response to Gagnon and Colleagues: Letter to the Editor
The main purpose of the article is to suggest how political science can contribute to public health science, policy and practice. Research about healthy public policies tends to ignore the political. To move forward, the authors propose areas for future collaborative research. Our intent is to clarify and build on the discussion drawing from our years of experience in public health research and practice.
ArticlesHow the rural context influences social capital: Experiences in two Ontario communities
Social capital has shown potential for its ability to improve physical and mental health, although findings about social capital’s impact in rural areas have been less promising. The aim of this study was to shed light on how adults in two small towns of rural Ontario experience social capital in their daily lives, and to contribute to the broader literature about the relationship between social capital and rural health.
ArticlesImmunization Competencies for Health Professionals
Prepared by the Professional Education Working Group of the Canadian Immunization Committee, Public Health Agency of Canada. The aim of this handbook is to promote safe and competent practices to achieve higher vaccine coverage rates. This effort will enable and maintain the highest possible degree of community protection against vaccine-preventable diseases.
ReportsInvited advisor on a realist review pertaining to primary care and public health collaboration related to social pediatrics led by researchers at Public Health Ontario
Dr. Ingrid Tyler's, Public Health Ontario, presentation on 'The Social Pediatrics Realist Review' focussed interest on child and maternal health and related social pediatrics, as well as, advancing primary care/public health collaboration in this area. Dr. Ruta Valaitis was an invited advisor on this presentation.
CommitteesInvited Member of the MOHLTC Family Health Team Action Group Sub-committee on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
During 2006 - 2007, Dr. Ruta Valaitis served as an invited member of the Ministry of health and Long Term care (MOHLTC) Family Health Team (FHT) Action Group Sub-committee on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (HPDP).
CommitteesMember of Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, E-Health Council for Public Health
During 2004 - 2007, Dr. Ruta Valaitis was a member of the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, E-Health Council for Public Health
CommitteesMember of the Advisory Committee Orientation: Transition Program for Nurses New to Public Health
From 2006 - 2009, Dr. Ruta Valaitis was a member of the Advisory Committee for the design and development of an Orientation Program for new nurses transitioning into public health careers.
CommitteesMember of the CASN Education Subcommittee for Public Health
From 2004 to 2012, Dr. Ruta Valaitis was a member of the CASN Subcommittee for Public Health.
CommitteesMember of the Working Group: Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC): Professional Education Working Group- Vaccine Prevention
From 2006 - 2009, Dr. Ruta Valaits was a member of the Working Group: Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC): Professional Education Working Group- Vaccine Prevention
CommitteesMethods, Strategies and Technologies Used to Conduct a Scoping Literature Review of Collaboration Between Primary Care and Public Health
This paper describes the methods, strategies and technologies used to conduct a scoping literature review examining primary care (PC) and public health (PH) collaboration. It presents challenges encountered as well as recommendations and 'lessons learned' from conducting the review with a large geographically distributed team comprised of researchers and decision-makers using an integrated knowledge translation approach.
ArticlesMoving Towards a New Vision: Implementation of a public health policy intervention
This paper explores policy implementation in two exemplar public health programs -chronic disease prevention and sexually-transmitted infection prevention - in Ontario, Canada. It examines public health service providers’, managers’ and senior managements’ perspectives on the process of implementation of the Ontario Public Health Standards 2008 and factors influencing implementation.
ArticlesNational Collaborating Centre: Public Health Methodologies and Tools: Environmental Scan
The purpose of this environmental scan was to support the identification and setting of priorities to guide the launch and development of the National Collaborating Centre for Public Health Methodologies and Tools (NCC: MT). It was conducted on behalf of the Ontario Public Health Research Education and Development (PHRED) program.
ReportsOnline Communities of Practice as a Communication Resource for Community Health Nurses Working with Homeless Persons
This study explored community health nurses' viewpoints about a Canadian online community of practice to support their practice with homeless or under-housed populations.
ArticlesOnline Discussions with Pregnant and Parenting Adolescents: Perspectives and possibilities
The Internet is an innovative strategy to increase public participation. It is important to include pregnant and parenting teens' perspectives when planning programs to meet their needs. This qualitative study explored online discussions as a strategy to enhance participation by this population.
ArticlesOntario Provincial Health Links Evaluation: Interim Report from Research and Evaluation Collaborative
Report submitted to the Ministry of Health and Long-term Care, 2017.
ReportsOrganizational factors influencing successful primary care and public health collaboration
Building on a scoping literature review, our study aimed to identify the influencing factors within these organizations that affect the ability of these health care sectors to collaborate with one another in the Canadian context. Relationships between these factors were also explored.
ArticlesOrganizational factors influencing successful primary care and public health collaboration
Building on a scoping literature review, our study aimed to identify the influencing factors within these organizations that affect the ability of these health care sectors to collaborate with one another in the Canadian context. Relationships between these factors were also explored.
ArticlesPhase 2: Strengthening the Quality of Community Health Nursing Practice: A Pan Canadian Survey of Community Health Nurses’ Continuing Education Needs Study
The purpose of this second phase of the study was to identify current practice activities of CHNs across all Canadian Provinces and Territories and to measure their continuing education needs in relation to the CCHN Standards.
ReportsPreparing the Community Health Nursing Workforce: Internal and External Enablers and Challenges Influencing Undergraduate Nursing Programs in Canada
The Canadian Schools of Nursing (CASN) Task Force on Public Health was mandated to facilitate Schools of Nursing to provide students with the foundation required to meet the Canadian Community Health Nursing Standards of Practice. As a member of this Task Force Dr. Valaitis led this paper which reports on an environmental scan that explored barriers and enablers influencing the integration of community health nursing content in baccalaureate education in Canada.
ArticlesPrimary Health Care and Nursing Education in the 21st Century: A discussion paper
Report to the WHO, Series Number 16, March 2009. Primary health care (PHC) is a philosophy and an educational practice approach. Nursing is one of the key services for the delivery of PHC. The purpose of this background paper is to examine PHC education for nurses in the globalized world.
ReportsPublic Health Nurses’ Perceptions of Mobile Computing in a School Program
The use of mobile computing in healthcare practice has grown substantially in recent years, yet little is known about its impact.This descriptive, exploratory, qualitative study explored the perceptions of public health nurses (PHNs) in a school health program about their use of mobile computing.
ArticlesResearch Uptake Strategies: An Ontario think tank on strengthening collaboration between public and primary care
A full day think tank on strengthening collaboration between public health and primary care was held at Public Health Ontario in Toronto in 2012.
ProjectsSmoke-Free Ontario Scientific Committee Working Group to establish Best Practices at Public Health Ontario
The Ontario Ministry of Health Promotion’s (MHP) goal is to improve the health and well-being of Ontarians and to help contribute to the sustainability of our publicly funded health care system. MHP is moving forward to achieve its vision of “healthy communities working together and Ontarians leading healthy and active lives.” MHP will achieve this vision by focusing on several core goals and priorities including the Smoke-Free Ontario Strategy.
CommitteesSocial Capital and Self-Rated Health: A Cross-Sectional Study of the General Social Survey Data Comparing Rural and Urban Adults in Ontario
This paper reports on the quantitative phase of a sequential explanatory mixed methods study using data from Canada's 2013 General Social Survey (data collected 2013–14) to explore mechanisms that link social capital and health..
ArticlesStop, Look and Listen: An interactive guide to working with communities
This was a CD-ROM program designed to teach community health nursing students and other professionals about the process of community action. It focused on the principles of primary health care, community assessment and community development. Child pedestrian injury prevention was the main issue addressed in this programme
ProjectsStrengthening primary health care through primary care and public health collaboration: the influence of intrapersonal and interpersonal factors
The aim of this paper is to examine Canadian key informants’ perceptions of intrapersonal (within an individual) and interpersonal (among individuals) factors that influence successful primary care and public health collaboration
ArticlesStrengthening Primary Health Care Through Public Health and Primary Care Collaboration: Final Report
Final Report to Canadian Health Services Research Foundation (CHSRF), 2012. ISBN 978-1-927565-02-5.
ReportsSupporting Successful Implementation of Public Health Interventions: Protocol for a Realist Synthesis
There is a growing emphasis in public health on the importance of evidence-based interventions to improve population health and reduce health inequities.
ArticlesTailoring Online Health Promotion: A Toolkit for Communities
Tailoring Online Health Promotion: A Toolkit for Communities has been produced to share our learning and experiences in working to build a health promotion web site (www.youthspark.ca) to meet local needs by and for rural youth in Huron County, Ontario Canada. The Toolkit is loosely organized according to the phases of project development that we experienced in the YouthSpark project.
ReportsTailoring Online Health Promotion: A Toolkit for Communities
Tailoring Online Health Promotion: A Toolkit for Communities: This toolkit was produced based on our experience and evaluation of working with public health staff and youth in a rural community to build a health promotion website for youth by youth.
ProjectsTechnology to Encourage the Adoption of Health Promoting/Protecting Behaviours: A Comprehensive Literature Review
A technical report commissioned by the Public Health Agency of Canada to inform the 2014 Chief Public Health Officer’s (CPHO) Report on the State of Public Health in Canada.
ReportsThe Experiences of Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Postpartum Women in the First Four Weeks at Home
We used a qualitative descriptive approach to explore and describe the situated experiences of socioeconomically disadvantaged (SED) postpartum women in the first 4 weeks after hospital discharge. This works informs public health nurses providing care to this population.
ArticlesThey Don’t Trust Us; We’re Just Kids”: Views about community from predominantly female inner city youth
The cornerstones of health promotion are the concepts of empowerment and community participation. There has been little research, however, on how these concepts are actualized within a youth population and even less from a gender perspective.
ArticlesUsing an Integrated Knowledge Translation Approach to Build a Public Health Research Agenda
Public Health Systems Research (PHSR) is an emerging field of research that is gaining importance in Canada. On October 22 and 23, 2012, public health researchers, practitioners, and policy-makers came together at the Accelerating Public Health Systems Research in Ontario: Building an Agenda think tank to develop a research agenda for the province.
ArticlesViewpoints About Collaboration Between Primary Care and Public Health in Canada
Although there is a global movement toward health system integration and collaboration, little is known about values, beliefs, and attitudes towards collaboration between stakeholders in public health (i.e. promotion, protection, and prevention with vulnerable groups and/or at the population level) and primary care (i.e., family practices, nurse-led clinics).
ArticlesWhat systemic factors contribute to collaboration between primary care and public health sectors? An interpretive descriptive study
The purpose of this paper is to report: 1) what systemic factors influence collaborations between PC and PH; and 2) how systemic factors interact and could influence collaboration.
ArticlesWomen’s Experiences Breastfeeding in Public Places
This two-part field study compared researchers’ recorded observations to mothers’ perceptions of attention they received while publicly breastfeeding.
Picture | Name | Degree | Ruta's Role | Thesis Topic | More Info |
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Trish Burnett | MScN | Supervisory Committee Member | Mobile technology for the promotion of physical activity in children | More Info. |
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Dr. Judy Burgess | Post-Doctoral Fellow | Co-Supervisor | A Tool to Evaluate Interprofessional Teams in Primary Care | More Info. |
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Danielle Hunter | MS eHealth | Graduate Program Student Advisor | An examination of the impact of e-Health on health equity among marginalized populations | More Info. |
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Leena Wu Chau | MSc | Co-Supervisor | Primary care and public health collaboration: A population health approach in the delivery of mental health care | More Info. |
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Rachael Haalboom | MScN | Supervisor | Implementation of public health vision screening follow up programs in schools | More Info. |
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Bellraj Eapen | MS eHealth | Supervisor | Efficacy of web-based tailored health communication for behavioural modification in sun safety: A randomized, comparative study of tailored and response independent information delivery | More Info. |
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Cara-Lee Coghill | MScN | Supervisor | Exploring the Built Environment and Physical Activity in Rural Ontario Health Units | More Info. |
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Rebecca Spark | MScN | Supervisor | An exploration of experiences of academics and decision-makers in a collaborative program of research | More Info. |
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Janice Feather | MScN | Supervisory Committee Member | A Narrative Exploration of a Nurse Navigator Role in Primary Care | More Info. |
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Sandra Isaacs | PhD | Supervisor | How community-based services work together to address the primary health care needs of recent immigrant children | More Info. |
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Ellen Buck-McFadyen | PhD | Supervisor | Social Capital in Rural Communities | More Info. |
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Linda Brousseau | PhD | Supervisor | Implementation of models of sexual health programs in public health | More Info. |
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Tracey Lovett | MScN | Supervisory Committee Member | Exploring structures and processes that support collaborative practice amongst community health nurses who work with breastfeeding families | More Info. |
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Jeri Dunne | MSCN | Supervisory Committee Member | Approaches to Public Health Practice: Exploration of Chronic Disease Prevention in Ontario Health Units | More Info. |
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Christine Kurtz-Landy | PhD | Supervisory Committee Member | Health and social service utilization by “at risk” postpartum women | More Info. |
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Beth Potter | MSc | Supervisory Committee Member | Breastfeeding in Public Places | More Info. |