Community Health Nursing
The community health nursing theme considers nursing in partnership with people to promote health where they live, work, learn, and play. Primary areas of work are in diverse rural and urban settings such as, public health units/departments, home health, community health agencies/centres/clinics, family practices, occupational health, outposts/nursing stations, on the street, faith organizations, shelters, schools, correctional institutions, aboriginal communities, addictions, government, and educational institutions. The practice of community health nursing combines nursing theory and knowledge (including social sciences and public health sciences) with home health and primary health care principles.
Reference:Community Health Nurses Association of Canada (2008). Community Health Nursing Standards of Practice. Toronto
Research Funding
The Aging, Community and Health Research Unit (ACHRU) Community Partnership Program for Diabetes Self-Management for Older Adults - Canada.
Purpose: To further test the Aging, Community and Health Research Unit (ACHRU) - Community Partnership Program (CPP) in diverse primary care and community settings, with diverse populations and across...
Co-Primary InvestigatorEnhancing physical and social mobility, social participation, and system navigation in older adults with health inequities using community co-design: the EMBOLDEN trial
Co-Primary InvestigatorIntegrating Registered Nurses into Primary Care Across Canada
Purpose: To use a systematic approach to identify national family practice (FP) nursing competencies to support the integration and optimization of Registered Nurses (RNs) in primary care. Research...
Co-InvestigatorPatient/Caregiver Engagement in Community-Based Research on Older Adults
The goal of our proposed project is to evaluate a) our engagement approaches and b) the impacts of involving older adult patients and family caregivers in the design and implementation of...
Primary InvestigatorContributing to, and Learning from, the Lives of Older Adults: Practical learning experiences in the care of older adults as trained community volunteers for health care
Health TAPESTRY (Health Teams Advancing Patient Experience: Strengthening Quality) is a community-based approach, centered in primary care, which aims to promote optimal aging through four...
Co-Primary InvestigatorStrengthening Community-Based Stroke Care: Implementation and Evaluation of a Mobile Health Solution. Technology Evaluation in the Elderly Catalyst Grant Program
Co-Primary InvestigatorEvaluation of a Community Nurse Navigator in a Priority Hamilton Neighbourhood
Primary InvestigatorAdvancing a pan-Canadian primary care framework: optimizing the role of Registered Nurses and Nurse Practitioners.
This research project was undertaken for the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) by the Canadian Centre for Advanced Practice Nursing Research. This report summarizes the issues and policy options and...
Co-InvestigatorCommunity Care Maternity Services: A Pilot Project in the McQuesten Community
Co-InvestigatorStreet Smarts Book Smarts: Evaluation of a Knowledge Exchange Intervention (Health in the Hub Phase 2)
Co-Primary InvestigatorCreating a Virtual Community of Practice for Street Nursing
Primary InvestigatorA Pan-Canadian Survey of Community Health Nurses’ Learning Needs: Phase One
Co-Primary InvestigatorNetworking Infrastructure for Community Health Nursing Researchers and Decision-makers
Co-InvestigatorCHNET-Works! For Community Health Nursing Researchers and Decision-Makers: A Face-to-Face Knowledge Exchange Forum
Co-InvestigatorA Pan-Canadian Survey of Community Health Nursing Content Taught in Schools of Nursing: Are We Preparing Students for the New Standards of Practice
Co-InvestigatorHome & Community Care with a focus on transitions between institutional and community care settings. Ontario SPOR Support Unit – IMPACT Award Home & Community Care
This is a pragmatic effectiveness-implementation trial to evaluate a hospital-to-home transitional care intervention compared to usual care for older adults with multiple chronic conditions and...
Feb. 1, 2016- Sept. 30, 2016
Co-InvestigatorScholarly Work
Canadian Centre for Advanced Practice Nursing Research (CCAPNR) Faculty Member
CCAPNR involves a group of multi-disciplinary, university-based researchers dedicated to creating new solutions for problems that challenge health and social services through the use of new models of care and evaluation. The team engages in research and professional education activities to address CCAPNR goals.
CommitteesHealth in the Hubs
The McMaster University School of Nursing (SON) is dedicated to improving the health of residents in our local communities and fulfilling the School’s mission of community engaged scholarship.
ProjectsPANMCC Webinar Series
WHO Collaborating Centers are designated by the Director-General, WHO, as part of an inter-institutional collaborative network of centers worldwide. They are established to provide concrete activities at the national, regional, and global levels, in support of the strategic plans of specific WHO areas of work.
Projects"My Stroke Team" (MyST). Advancing transitional care for community-based older adults with stroke and multiple chronic conditions
Report to Max Bell Foundation, March 2019, regarding KTE Event held with stakeholders on December 10, 2018.
ReportsA Canadian application of EUGENIE – a web-based application to support high older adult users of emergency rooms to access community health and social services assisted by trained primary health care volunteers
EU-GENIE is an online tool that volunteers can use with clients. It can help them describe their support network and can link them to relevant local community resources that are tailored to the interests of the client.
ProjectsA Narrative Evaluation of a Community-Based Nurse Navigation Role in an Urban At-Risk Community
This paper aims to explore community members' stories of their experiences with a Nurse Navigator programme serving an urban neighbourhood and primary care practice to address persistent health and social barriers adversely affecting health equity and well-being.
ArticlesA Questionnaire for Assessing Community Health Nurses’ Learning Needs
This article reports on the development and psychometric testing of a learning needs assessment questionnaire related to the Canadian community health nursing Standards of practice.
ArticlesAdvanced Practice Nursing: A Strategy for Achieving Universal Health Coverage and Universal Access to Health
This paper examines advanced practice nursing (APN) roles internationally to inform role development in Latin America and the Caribbean to support universal health coverage and universal access to health.
ArticlesAdvancing a Pan-Canadian Primary Care Framework: Optimizing the Role of Registered Nurses and Nurse Practitioners: Final Report
A technical report commissioned by the Canadian Nurses Association, 1-116, 2014. This report summarizes the issues and policy options and will inform CNA’s future role and strategies for advancing a pan-Canadian primary care framework that optimizes the role of registered nurses (RNs) and advanced practice nurses in primary care interprofessional teams.
ReportsCommunity Health Nurses’ Learning Needs in Relation to the Canadian Community Health Nursing Standards of Practice: Results from a Canadian survey
Canadian Community health nurses (CHNs) work in diverse urban, rural, and remote settings such as: public health units/departments, home health, community health facilities, family practices, and other community-based settings.
ArticlesComputers and the Internet: Tools for youth empowerment
Youth are often disenfranchised in their communities and may feel they have little voice. Since computers are an important aspect of youth culture, they may offer solutions to increasing youth participation in communities. This study involved public health nurses to support the school-based community development project.
ArticlesEnabling Youth Participation in School-based Computer-supported Community Development
Schools are a main setting for health promotion for youth. A one year qualitative case study was undertaken in an inner-city, Canadian school. It explored factors that enabled and constrained youth in the process of a school-based computer-supported community development (CD) project. This paper reports on Dr. Ruta Valaitis' PhD thesis results.
ArticlesFostering Interactions: The networking needs of community health nursing researchers and decision makers
The purpose of the study on which this article is based was to determine the current extent of linkages among Canadian community health nursing researchers and decision makers and to identify perceptions around the structure and function of potential networks.
ArticlesHealth Links Caregiver Evaluation
Final report submitted to the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, pp. 1-53, July 2017.
ReportsHow the rural context influences social capital: Experiences in two Ontario communities
Social capital has shown potential for its ability to improve physical and mental health, although findings about social capital’s impact in rural areas have been less promising. The aim of this study was to shed light on how adults in two small towns of rural Ontario experience social capital in their daily lives, and to contribute to the broader literature about the relationship between social capital and rural health.
ArticlesImplementation and maintenance of patient navigation programs linking primary care with community-based health and social services: a scoping literature review
This paper fills a gap in knowledge to reveal what is known about motivators and factors influencing implementation and maintenance of patient navigation programs in primary care that link patients to community-based health and social services. It also reports on outcomes from these studies to help identify gaps in research that can inform future studies.
ArticlesMember of the Advisory Committee Orientation: Transition Program for Nurses New to Public Health
From 2006 - 2009, Dr. Ruta Valaitis was a member of the Advisory Committee for the design and development of an Orientation Program for new nurses transitioning into public health careers.
CommitteesMember of the CASN Education Subcommittee for Public Health
From 2004 to 2012, Dr. Ruta Valaitis was a member of the CASN Subcommittee for Public Health.
CommitteesMember of the expert advisory committee of Ontario’s Ministry of Health and Long-term Care’s “Optimization of the Nursing Workforce Working Group” for the Nursing Secretariat reporting to the Joint Provincial Nursing Council
Expert advisory committee member of Ontario’s Ministry of Health and Long-term Care’s “Optimization of the Nursing Workforce Working Group” for the Nursing Secretariat reporting to the Joint Provincial Nursing Council (JPNC).
CommitteesNavigation delivery models and roles of navigators in primary care: a scoping literature review
We conducted a scoping literature review following established methods to explore the existing evidence on system navigation in primary care. To be included, studies had to be published in English between 1990 and 2013, and include a navigator or navigation process in a primary care setting that involves the community- based social services beyond the health care system. We make an important contribution to the literature by highlighting navigation models that address both health and social service navigation. T
ArticlesNurse Practitioner Caseload in Primary Health Care: Scoping Review
To identify recommendations for determining patient panel/caseload size for nurse practitioners in community-based primary health care settings. There are few systems in place to track and measure community-based primary health care nurse practitioner activities. The development of such mechanisms is an important next step to assess community-based primary health care nurse practitioner productivity and determine patient panel/caseload size.
ArticlesOnline Communities of Practice as a Communication Resource for Community Health Nurses Working with Homeless Persons
This study explored community health nurses' viewpoints about a Canadian online community of practice to support their practice with homeless or under-housed populations.
ArticlesOnline Discussions with Pregnant and Parenting Adolescents: Perspectives and possibilities
The Internet is an innovative strategy to increase public participation. It is important to include pregnant and parenting teens' perspectives when planning programs to meet their needs. This qualitative study explored online discussions as a strategy to enhance participation by this population.
ArticlesOptimizing Registered Nurse Roles in the Delivery of Cancer Survivorship Care within Primary Care Settings
To address increasing pressures for cancer survivorship care, provincial cancer agencies have introduced new models of post-treatment follow-up involving earlier transition of cancer survivors back to primary care (PC) providers. It is unknown how nurses in PC settings have responded to this practice change. The purpose of this qualitative descriptive study was to examine registered nurses' (RNs) perspectives of the strengths, gaps, barriers and opportunities for optimizing nursing roles in the delivery of cancer survivorship care within PC settings.
ArticlesPatient/caregiver engagement in community based research on older adults
Report to Labarge Optimal Aging Initiative, pp. 1-5, November 2016.
ReportsPatient/caregiver engagement in community-based research on older adults
Report to the Gift Board, Labarge Foundation, pp.1-6, November 2018.
ReportsPhase 2: Strengthening the Quality of Community Health Nursing Practice: A Pan Canadian Survey of Community Health Nurses’ Continuing Education Needs Study
The purpose of this second phase of the study was to identify current practice activities of CHNs across all Canadian Provinces and Territories and to measure their continuing education needs in relation to the CCHN Standards.
ReportsPreparing the Community Health Nursing Workforce: Internal and External Enablers and Challenges Influencing Undergraduate Nursing Programs in Canada
The Canadian Schools of Nursing (CASN) Task Force on Public Health was mandated to facilitate Schools of Nursing to provide students with the foundation required to meet the Canadian Community Health Nursing Standards of Practice. As a member of this Task Force Dr. Valaitis led this paper which reports on an environmental scan that explored barriers and enablers influencing the integration of community health nursing content in baccalaureate education in Canada.
ArticlesPrimary Health Care and Nursing Education in the 21st Century: A discussion paper
Report to the WHO, Series Number 16, March 2009. Primary health care (PHC) is a philosophy and an educational practice approach. Nursing is one of the key services for the delivery of PHC. The purpose of this background paper is to examine PHC education for nurses in the globalized world.
ReportsProtocol for a program of research from the Aging, Community and Health Research Unit: Promoting optimal aging at home for older adults with multimorbidity
The goal of the Aging, Community and Health Research Unit (ACHRU) is to promote optimal aging at home for older adults with multimorbidity (≥2 chronic conditions) and to support their family/friend caregivers. This protocol paper reports the rationale and plan for this patient-oriented, cross-jurisdictional research program.
ArticlesRepresentative for Canadian Association for Schools of Nursing (CASN) at a National Summit for Ontario Health Information Highway
In 2002, Dr. Valaitis was a representative for CASN at the National Summit for Ontario Health Information Highway. This conference was related to health Informatics and held at the University of Victoria, British Columbia.
CommitteesSocial Capital and Self-Rated Health: A Cross-Sectional Study of the General Social Survey Data Comparing Rural and Urban Adults in Ontario
This paper reports on the quantitative phase of a sequential explanatory mixed methods study using data from Canada's 2013 General Social Survey (data collected 2013–14) to explore mechanisms that link social capital and health..
ArticlesStreet Smarts ↔ Book Smarts: Three Neighborhoods and One University School of Nursing Partnering for Health
This article describes the development, implementation, and evaluation of an interdisciplinary undergraduate course embedded within a campus–community partnership initiative involving McMaster University School of Nursing, and three urban priority neighborhoods in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. The experiential course focuses on building knowledge and skills in community participation and community improvements for health and continues to be offered today. This primary health care collaboration between the campus and three Hamilton neighbourhoods was led by Dr. Valaitis and supported by the Health in the Hubs team.
ArticlesWeb-Based Interventions to Improve Mental Health, General Caregiving Outcomes, and General Health for Informal Caregivers of Adults with Chronic Conditions Living in the Community: Rapid evidence review
Most adults with chronic conditions live at home and rely on informal caregivers to provide support. The purpose of this rapid evidence review was to assess the impact of Web-based interventions on mental health, general caregiving outcomes, and general health for informal caregivers of persons with chronic conditions living in the community.
Picture | Name | Degree | Ruta's Role | Thesis Topic | More Info |
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Lisa De Panfilis | MSc Nursing student | Supervisor | Youth Access to Mental Health Services in Primary Care | More Info. |
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Jennifer Nicholl | MScN | Supervisor | Community Nurse Networker: A Priority Neighbourhood Pilot Project | More Info. |
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Cara-Lee Coghill | MScN | Supervisor | Exploring the Built Environment and Physical Activity in Rural Ontario Health Units | More Info. |
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Kristina Chang | MScN | Supervisory Committee Member | Patient engagement in community-based intervention research | More Info. |
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Maneet Chahal | MScN | Supervisory Committee Member | Access to mental health services for the South Asian population in Peel Region | More Info. |
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Stephanie Chiu | MS eHealth | Supervisory Committee Member | Developing the Design for an Online Diuretic Care Tool for Older Patients with Heart Failure by Evaluating its Interactions with Heart Failure Patients and Caregivers | More Info. |
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Janice Feather | MScN | Supervisory Committee Member | A Narrative Exploration of a Nurse Navigator Role in Primary Care | More Info. |
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Lindsay Yuille | MScN | Supervisory Committee Member | Primary Care Nursing Roles in Cancer Support | More Info. |
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Kenneth Nwosu | MS eHealth | Supervisory Committee Member | Design and Evaluation of a Two Way Interactive Video eConsult System (TWIVES): A Web-Based Care and Continuity Solution Enabling Secure and Private Patient-Provider Connections When Mobility is Limited or Commuting is Not an Option | More Info. |
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Mary Guise | PhD | Supervisor | Computer-mediated-conferencing: support for preceptors of senior nursing students | More Info. |
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Anita Stern | PhD | Supervisor | The Complexity of Family Caregiving: Use and Perceptions of Home Telehealth in Palliative Cancer Care | More Info. |
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Ellen Buck-McFadyen | PhD | Supervisor | Social Capital in Rural Communities | More Info. |
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Tracey Lovett | MScN | Supervisory Committee Member | Exploring structures and processes that support collaborative practice amongst community health nurses who work with breastfeeding families | More Info. |
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Jeri Dunne | MSCN | Supervisory Committee Member | Approaches to Public Health Practice: Exploration of Chronic Disease Prevention in Ontario Health Units | More Info. |
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Christine Kurtz-Landy | PhD | Supervisory Committee Member | Health and social service utilization by “at risk” postpartum women | More Info. |