Leena Wu Chau |
MSc |
Co-Supervisor |
Primary care and public health collaboration: A population health approach in the delivery of mental health care |
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Linda Brousseau |
PhD |
Supervisor |
Implementation of models of sexual health programs in public health |
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2016 - In Progress
- Scholarly Work:
Anita Stern |
PhD |
Supervisor |
The Complexity of Family Caregiving: Use and Perceptions of Home Telehealth in Palliative Cancer Care |
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Mary Guise |
PhD |
Supervisor |
Computer-mediated-conferencing: support for preceptors of senior nursing students |
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2000 - 2009
This thesis reports on a pilot study, usability testing and a main study exploring the feasibility and use of computer-mediated-communication (CMC) to support preceptors of senior nursing students in a Collaborative BScN Program. Preceptor, student, tutor triads used CMC to collaborate, communicate, share resources and evaluate student performance. Adjustments were made to the methodology based on the resuts. A larger study was conducted the next semeter.
For dissertation please see: http://catalogue.mcmaster.ca/catalogue/Record/1706801
Nancy Wilczynski |
PhD |
Supervisory Committee Member |
Information retrieval: Large biomedical electronic databases |
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2004 - 2007
One approach to enhance the effectiveness of clinical end-user searches is to develop search strategies ("hedges") to improve the retrieval of clinically relevant and scientifically sound study reports. The significant contributions that this research has made to the knowledge area of information retrieval are: commonly used search strategies ("hedges") were updated and new search strategies were developed using a gold standard; the methodologic search strategies developed as part of this research are available for use on the More Limits page of Ovid and the Clinical Queries page of PubMed; the health services research search strategies developed as part of this research are available for use on the Special Queries page of PubMed; combining the methodologic search strategies with mental health content search strategies led to increased search precision; and quality of indexing and reporting, both aspects having a potential effect on search retrieval, did not change with the publication of the Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy (STARD) recommendations.
This thesis can be accessed at http://catalogue.mcmaster.ca/catalogue/Record/1593955
Sally Binks |
MScN |
Supervisor |
A Comparison of Nurses’ Similarity Judgments at Two Points in the Novice-Expert Continuum |
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2007 - 2011
Safe nursing care of patients with cardiovascular disease requires specialized knowledge and skill. However, education for such specialty practice has little empirical basis. Research has suggested that novices perceive primarily surface aspects of a domain while experts perceive primarily its deep principles. Insight into such perceptual differences may help inform future pedagogical strategies. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether or not such differences are found in the domain of cardiovascular nursing. A forced choice triad task was developed to test the study hypothesis.
This thesis can be accessed at https://macsphere.mcmaster.ca/handle/11375/11611
- Scholarly Work:
Ellen Buck-McFadyen |
PhD |
Supervisor |
Social Capital in Rural Communities |
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2014 - 2018
- Scholarly Work:
Dr. Judy Burgess |
Post-Doctoral Fellow |
Co-Supervisor |
A Tool to Evaluate Interprofessional Teams in Primary Care |
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Trish Burnett |
MScN |
Supervisory Committee Member |
Mobile technology for the promotion of physical activity in children |
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Maneet Chahal |
MScN |
Supervisory Committee Member |
Access to mental health services for the South Asian population in Peel Region |
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Kristina Chang |
MScN |
Supervisory Committee Member |
Patient engagement in community-based intervention research |
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2015 - 2018
SPOR Support Unit – IMPACT Award Home & Community Care
- Scholarly Work:
Stephanie Chiu |
MS eHealth |
Supervisory Committee Member |
Developing the Design for an Online Diuretic Care Tool for Older Patients with Heart Failure by Evaluating its Interactions with Heart Failure Patients and Caregivers |
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Cara-Lee Coghill |
MScN |
Supervisor |
Exploring the Built Environment and Physical Activity in Rural Ontario Health Units |
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2010 - 2012
The purpose of this thesis was to explore how health units servicing large rural populations in Ontario are integrating the built environment into public health interventions related to physical activity for the purpose of fostering healthy and sustainable communities. Additionally, this research sought to identify barriers and/or enabling structures that rural health units face in addressing the built environment within physical activity programming.
For dissertation please see: https://macsphere.mcmaster.ca/handle/11375/12822
- Scholarly Work:
Jeri Dunne |
Supervisory Committee Member |
Approaches to Public Health Practice: Exploration of Chronic Disease Prevention in Ontario Health Units |
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2007 - 2011
The study sought insight into how Ontario public health units can strengthen PHNs socio-political efforts to address the causes of poverty. A qualitative descriptive design was used to explore PHNs’ views, while an Appreciative Inquiry approach was used to draw on participants’ successful past experiences in addressing the causes of poverty and their thoughts for the future.
For dissertation please see: https://macsphere.mcmaster.ca/handle/11375/11327
Bellraj Eapen |
MS eHealth |
Supervisor |
Efficacy of web-based tailored health communication for behavioural modification in sun safety: A randomized, comparative study of tailored and response independent information delivery |
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2013 - 2015
The null hypothesis was that tailored information and response independent information has a similar impact on sun safety behaviour as measured by the frequency of usage of sun protection methods such as sunscreen. Ethics board approval was obtained for the study. The usability of the online survey and SUNBUC was tested on five respondents using the think-aloud method and evaluated using the System Usability Scale.
For dissertation please see: https://macsphere.mcmaster.ca/handle/11375/18065
Janice Feather |
MScN |
Supervisory Committee Member |
A Narrative Exploration of a Nurse Navigator Role in Primary Care |
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2012 - 2015
In response to the striking health and social inequalities existing across communities within a large Southern Ontario City the McMaster University School of Nursing has partnered with the local family health team, municipal government, and other community partners to evaluate a pilot program designed to enhance health and social outcomes within a specific priority neighbourhood. The innovative pilot program is a nursing-based system navigation role, grounded concurrently in the community and a local Primary Care Practice. The role is uniquely designed as the nurse provides navigation for individuals and families while functioning as a networker to facilitate improved service integration at a systems level. This study serves as a narrative person-centered evaluation of the program, emphasizing the impact on the lives of community members.
For dissertation please see: https://macsphere.mcmaster.ca/handle/11375/17190
- Scholarly Work:
Dr. Rebecca Ganann |
Post-Doctoral Fellow |
Co-Supervisor |
Integrated knowledge exchange with knowledge users in community-based interventions involving extensive patient and caregiver engagement in the community |
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2016 - 2017
Home & Community Care with a focus on transitions between institutional and community care settings. Ontario SPOR Support Unit – IMPACT Award Home & Community Care
- Scholarly Work:
Rachael Haalboom |
MScN |
Supervisor |
Implementation of public health vision screening follow up programs in schools |
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Danielle Hunter |
MS eHealth |
Graduate Program Student Advisor |
An examination of the impact of e-Health on health equity among marginalized populations |
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Dr. Ruta valaitis was the Student Advisor, Course-based Masters, Danielle Hunter, e-Health Program, An examination of the impact of e-Health on health equity among marginalized populations (2011)
The scholarly paper first defined health equity for eHealth, or eHealth equity, followed by an outline of the context of health equity in Canada. Second, the context of healthcare accessibility among certain marginalized populations was discussed. Third, the paper then examined barriers to enabling eHealth equity and provided some examples of how eHealth can work towards increasing health equity in certain communities. Lastly, a discussion on potential solutions to ensure the reduction of health inequities was put forth followed by the conclusion that used the ADKAR change management framework to summarize the paper.
- Scholarly Work:
Sandra Isaacs |
PhD |
Supervisor |
How community-based services work together to address the primary health care needs of recent immigrant children |
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2007 - 2011
This case study describes how broker organizations supported a network of community-based services to work together to address the primary healthcare needs of recent immigrant families with young children.
For dissertation please see: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22784873
- Scholarly Work:
Rojin Karimi |
MS eHealth |
Supervisor |
Design of an e-Health tool to link primary care providers with home care to support stroke patients |
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2015 - 2016
AGE-WELL NCE Award $15,300 (Topic: Design of a eHealth Tool to link Primary Care Providers with Home Care to support Stroke Patients), McMaster University
This study focuses on the co-design of an expansion of an existing eHealth App (MyST) to include primary care providers who are in the stroke survivors’ circle of care. MyST was originally developed for the home care sector and is currently accessible by home care providers, patients and their caregivers. Primary care providers, another group of users of the proposed enhanced version of MyST, were not engaged in the design process. The objective of this study is to identify this user group’s requirements and develop specifications for the design and development of MyST 2 to be implemented in real practice settings.
For dissertation please see: https://macsphere.mcmaster.ca/handle/11375/19219
- Scholarly Work:
Christine Kurtz-Landy |
PhD |
Supervisory Committee Member |
Health and social service utilization by “at risk” postpartum women |
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2002 - 2006
This study examined socioeconomically disadvantaged (SED) postpartum women's health, and health service needs and utilization patterns in the first four weeks post hospital discharge, and compared them to more socioeconomically advantaged (SEA) postpartum women's health, health service needs and utilization patterns.
For dissertation please see: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19095894
- Scholarly Work:
Amanda LeRoux |
PhD |
Supervisory Committee Member |
In Progress |
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Tracey Lovett |
MScN |
Supervisory Committee Member |
Exploring structures and processes that support collaborative practice amongst community health nurses who work with breastfeeding families |
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2007 - 2011
Tracey was a student at Dalhousie University. The purpose of this study was to explore the roles of Public health nurses, family practice nurses, and nurse practitioners who work in breastfeeding support and promotion in Capital Health and the structures and processes needed to support the development of collaboration amongst these groups of nurses.
Link to the thesis: https://dalspace.library.dal.ca/handle/10222/14403
Jennifer Nicholl |
MScN |
Supervisor |
Community Nurse Networker: A Priority Neighbourhood Pilot Project |
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2012 - 2015 Community Engagement (Public Participation)
The Community Nurse Networker (CNN) pilot project represents an innovative collaboration between primary care, public health and municipal stakeholders, including a local neighbourhood resident planning team in a priority neighbourhood in Hamilton, Ontario. This pilot linked primary care to ongoing community development work. The goal of the CNN pilot was to address issues beyond physical health, and to consider issues related to the social determinants of health, or where people, live, work, and play.
For dissertation please see: https://macsphere.mcmaster.ca/handle/11375/18953
- Scholarly Work:
Kenneth Nwosu |
MS eHealth |
Supervisory Committee Member |
Design and Evaluation of a Two Way Interactive Video eConsult System (TWIVES): A Web-Based Care and Continuity Solution Enabling Secure and Private Patient-Provider Connections When Mobility is Limited or Commuting is Not an Option |
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2011 - 2012
This thesis reports on the development of a Two Way Interactive Video eConsult System (TWIVES), a telemedicine application for the continuity of care in rural communities, remote areas, and in developing countries.
For dissertation please see: https://macsphere.mcmaster.ca/handle/11375/12388
Kelly O'Halloran |
PhD |
Supervisory Committee Member |
In Progress |
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Lisa De Panfilis |
MSc Nursing student |
Supervisor |
Youth Access to Mental Health Services in Primary Care |
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Beata Penrice |
MScN |
Supervisor |
Nurse Managers as Project Managers: A Gap Analysis of Competencies |
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2010 - 2013
The purpose of the scholarly endeavor was to uncover, by means of a gap analysis, the knowledge and skill competency gaps that exist for hospital front-line nurse managers executing project manager positions in the Canadian health sector.
Beth Potter |
MSc |
Supervisory Committee Member |
Breastfeeding in Public Places |
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1996 - 1998
Beth was a student at the University of Guelph. This study reports the results of a survey of restaurant and shopping center managers concerning breastfeeding in their facilities.
For dissertation please see: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10578789
- Scholarly Work:
Arik Rankin |
PhD |
Supervisory Committee Member |
In Progress |
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Rebecca Spark |
MScN |
Supervisor |
An exploration of experiences of academics and decision-makers in a collaborative program of research |
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2009 - 2011
CIHR Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Masters Award $17,500
The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the experiences of academic and decision-maker researchers participating in a public health integrated knowledge translation (IKT) and exchange program of research in Ontario and British Columbia. This research sought to identify structures and processes that acted as enablers or barriers for all partners on a research team as they engaged in collaborative research.
For dissertation please see: https://macsphere.mcmaster.ca/handle/11375/11162
- Scholarly Work:
Jane Sparkes |
MS eHealth |
Supervisor |
A usability study of patients in their own homes as they set up a cardiac event loop record and Blackberry gateway for remote monitoring |
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2010 - 2012 Masters Thesis
This article reports on a usability study of remote noninvasive cardiac testing in homes. We studied the Vitaphone 3100BT (Bluetooth®) event loop recorder (Vitaphone GmbH, Mannheim, Germany) and paired BlackBerry® Curve™ 8520 smartphone (Research In Motion, Ltd., Waterloo, ON, Canada). This study concluded that gender, age, and familiarity with technology seemed to influence the participants' abilities to successfully set up these devices and that sending the kit by mail appeared to be an acceptable strategy to provide remote noninvasive cardiac diagnostic services. This study provides a foundation for future research assessing usability of mobile healthcare technology.
This thesis can be accessed at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22676379
- Scholarly Work:
Irtaza Tahir |
MS eHealth |
Supervisory Committee Member |
Exploring User Requirements for the Design of an Electronic Patient Decision Aid for Guardians Making Treatment Decisions about Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia |
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Basilhea Woodley |
MS eHealth |
Supervisor |
A scoping review of stroke rehabilitation eHealth apps |
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Lindsay Yuille |
MScN |
Supervisory Committee Member |
Primary Care Nursing Roles in Cancer Support |
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2012 - 2015
The purpose of this study was to identify and examine, from the perspective of registered nurses, the strengths, barriers, and opportunities for optimizing nursing roles in the delivery of CSC in primary care. A qualitative descriptive study was conducted.
For dissertation please see: https://macsphere.mcmaster.ca/handle/11375/17205
- Scholarly Work:
Erin Ziegler |
PhD |
Supervisor |
LGBT populations and access to primary care |
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2015 - 2019
The Dr. Vivian Wood Graduate Scholarship, $3,000 (2016); $3,000 (2017)
PHC-Tutor Program Scholarship, $10,000 (2017)
Company: CIHR- Hacking the Knowledge Gap in Health ResearchDollar Amount: $25,000Link to Company: http://nursing.mcmaster.ca/news-events/news/news-item/2018/01/11/graduate-student-wins-award-for-research-in-lgbt-health-education
Company: TUTOR-PHC training Program Dollar Amount: $10,000Link to Company: http://www.uwo.ca/fammed/csfm/tutor-phc/
Company: Vivian Wood Graduate Scholarship (2017)Dollar Amount: $3,000
Company: Vivian Wood Graduate Scholarship (2016)Dollar Amount: $3,000
- Funding:
- Scholarly Work: